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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:32    点击次数:87
鉴于读者希望用Al帮助设计图片,我们开启AI定制设计服务。只需一句留言,即刻为您的品牌打造专属的视觉形象,让AI赋予您品牌一个故事。   一位身着传统服饰的女子,她的造型中融合了经典与现代的美感。她头戴红色花饰,披着蓝色透明轻纱,端庄中透着一丝俏皮。女子手持一把精致的扇子,对着一个装饰有红色玫瑰的油纸伞,似乎在沉思或是等待。 Prompt:a closeup of an elegant beautiful girl holding red roses in her hand and wearing exquisite traditional with blue gauze fabric embroidered on the edge of a white cloth background, dynamic photography, long black hair draped over shoulders, red lips, smile, side view, a pink fan-shaped pattern scarf hanging around her neck, surrounded by flowers, a light orange color tone, Canon 85mm lens, light gesture    女子转过身来,她的侧脸被柔和的光线轻轻勾勒,展现了她精致的五官和淡淡的妆容。她的耳畔挂着金色长流苏的耳环,与她红色的发饰和扇子形成了一幅优雅的画面。 Prompt:a closeup of an elegant beautiful girl holding red roses in her hand and wearing exquisite traditional with blue gauze fabric embroidered on the edge of a white cloth background, dynamic photography, long black hair draped over shoulders, red lips, smile, side view, a pink fan-shaped pattern scarf hanging around her neck, surrounded by flowers, a light orange color tone, Canon 85mm lens, light gesture      手中扇展着一把粉色的扇子,微微遮面,留下唇色鲜红和深沉的眼神令人印象深刻。一束红玫瑰在柔和的灯光和轻纱的映衬下显得特别鲜活,与她的容颜和服饰相得益彰,营造出一种时光交错的美感,既有历史的深度,也有现代的气息。   Prompt:a closeup of an elegant beautiful girl holding red roses in her hand and wearing exquisite traditional with blue gauze fabric embroidered on the edge of a white cloth background, dynamic photography, long black hair draped over shoulders, red lips, smile, side view, a pink fan-shaped pattern scarf hanging around her neck